About William Becerra, DMin
Dr. William Becerra, DMin., is a former missionary religious brother born and raised in Colombia. Dr. William Becerra is a seasoned professional with extensive experience in Hispanic ministry, leadership development, and pastoral formation. He pursued his undergraduate degree in philosophy at St. Buenaventura University in Bogotá, later earning a bachelor’s degree in sacred theology from Loyola School of Theology and a Master of Arts in Theological Studies from Ateneo de Manila University, both in the Philippines. In 2021, William received his Ecumenical Doctor of Ministry degree with a concentration in Practical Theology and a focus on Hispanic Theology and Ministry from the Catholic Theological Union in Chicago.
Having lived and worked as a religious missionary in various countries, including the Philippines, Australia, Taiwan, Indonesia, and Mexico, William has extensive experience. During his time abroad, he accompanied immigrant communities and advocated for migrants’ rights.
Dr. Becerra’s expertise extends to various training and formation programs, including his involvement in the Archdiocese of Chicago and Diocese of Joliet and teaching in institutions like the University of St. Mary of the Lake, Instituto Fe y Vida at Lewis University, Immaculate Conception Seminary, School of Theology, The Virtual Learning Community for Faith Formation (VLCFF) of the Institute for Pastoral Initiatives (IPI) at the University of Dayton and Instituto Hispano at Santa Clara University.
In his current role, William focuses his ministerial practice in the United States on leadership development, theological and pastoral formation, and promoting cultural communities within the U.S. Catholic Church. His diverse roles include coordinating the pastoral formation of Pastoral Migratoria Groups at the Archdiocese of Chicago and serving as the Associate Director of the Office of Hispanic and Ethnic Ministries of the Diocese of Joliet, IL. William serves as the Bilingual Advisor for National Hispanic Engagement at Catholic Relief Services.
Residing in Joliet, IL, William is married to Elizabeth and is a proud father of one.
2021: Ecumenical Doctor of Ministry (Hispanic Ministry and Theology concentration), Catholic Theological Union, Chicago, IL.
2009: Master of Arts, Major in Theological Studies, Ateneo de Manila University, The Philippines.
2008: Baccalaureate in Sacred Theology (S.T.B.), Loyola School of Theology, Quezon City, The Philippines.
Area of Teaching Specialization: Catholic Social Teaching, U.S Hispanic Theology, Hispanic Ministry; Intercultural Competencies for Ministry in the U.S.; Pastoral Leadership
Course Level: Undergraduate
Courses Taught: CST 200 SP – Ver, Juzgar y Actuar; Doctrina Social de la Iglesia en Práctica