Are you…

  • looking to update a teaching certification?
  • working on a degree at another school and in need of a theology course?
  • simply seeking greater knowledge of the Catholic faith?

CDU offers the option of taking undergraduate and graduate courses without applying to an academic program. Assignments, testing requirements, and tuition are the same for all students.* To take an undergraduate course, submit proof of high school graduation or GED or your college transcripts.** To take a graduate course, submit a  transcript showing an undergraduate degree earned from an accredited college or university.

Courses successfully completed can be applied toward a CDU degree program. Contact Admissions for more information.

* With the exception of tuition for high school students enrolled by special arrangement in THEO 280/PHIL 260 and THEO 281/PHIL 261.

** Admission requirements vary for current high school juniors and seniors seeking to enroll in THEO 280/PHIL 260 and THEO 281/PHIL 261 by special arrangement. Please inquire at

Term Courses

CDU offers three-credit courses in six academic terms throughout the year. Classes meet asynchronously, so students can log into their course rooms when they choose. Each course consists of weekly lessons and a final exam. Many three-credit courses also require a term paper.  Exams are proctored through an online proctoring service, so students must take exams on a computer equipped with a camera and microphone.

Research shows that interactive group classes offer the optimal learning environment. Unique to CDU is our course room design, which encourages interaction with the professor and other students and provides the atmosphere of a classroom. Students read, hear or watch a weekly lecture and post questions and responses related to the lecture in a discussion area. The course room is open 24/7.

For course descriptions, consult our online course catalogs: Undergraduate and Graduate.

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