About Irene Yung Park, PhD
Dr. Irene Yung Park holds a doctorate from the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (Rome, Italy) and a second doctorate from the Graduate School of the Academy of Korean Studies (Seoul, Rep of Korea). A research scholar and professor for more than two decades, she has taught at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels in academic institutions in Rome (Centro Internazionale di Studi Villa Balestra, later incorporated into the University of the Holy Cross) and in Seoul (Underwood International College, Yonsei University), and as a guest lecturer in Germany, Hong Kong, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico and India. Dr. Irene Yung Park has co authored and translated several scholarly and non-scholarly books, and is the author of a number of academic articles in the fields of Fundamental and Pastoral Theology and of Sociology, in particular on topics of cultural and ethnic identity, transnationalism and media representations. She has contributed to newspaper and periodic publication articles, as well as to YouTube channel videos on various current social and cultural issues. Dr. Irene Yung Park has served in civil associations and non-profit organizations in Argentina, Italy and the Rep of Korea promoting social awareness, cooperation, solidarity and more integral understandings of the human being in education and in culture. She is the co-founder and the current chief executive director of Sainthill Foundation in Seoul, Rep of Korea. Education:
BA (History) Catholic University of Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina
MA (Theology) Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, Italy
MA (Philosophy) Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, Italy
Ph.D. (Theology with concentration in Fundamental Theology) Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, Italy
Ph.D. (Sociology with concentration in Ethnic and Cultural Studies) Graduate School of the Academy of Korean Studies
Gold medal of the Catholic University of Argentina
Gold medal of the National Academy of History of Argentina
Graduation with Distinction (Summa cum laude) from MA (Theology and Philosophy) and PhD (Theology)
Area of Teaching Specialization: Cultural Studies, Intellectual and Cultural History, Sociology, Theology, Philosophy, Biblical History etc.
Course Level: Undergraduate
Courses Taught: PHIL 205 SP – Introducción a la Filosofía de Platón y Aristóteles