Brandon Harvey, DA
About Brandon Harvey, DA
Dr. Brandon Harvey holds degrees in theology, and literature, and completed a doctorate in the Great Books of Western Civilization with a concentration in Philosophy and Religion. He has experience teaching children, teens, college students, and men in formation for the diaconate. He has also served as a Headmaster/Principal of a Chesterton Academy. He currently resides in the Archdiocese of Omaha. Besides teaching and speaking, he regularly serves as a theological/editorial consultant for content creators and educational consultant for Catholic/classical schools.
B.A. (Theology, Philosophy minor) Briar Cliff University, Sioux City, IA
M.A. (Theology) Franciscan University of Steubenville, OH
M.A. (Imaginative Literature) Harrison Middleton University, Tempe, AZ
Post-Graduate Studies (Liturgical Studies) Liturgical Institute, Mundelein, IL
Post-Graduate Studies (Theology) International Marian Research Institute, Dayton, OH
D.A. (Great Books: Literature and Philosophy/Religion): Harrison Middleton University, Tempe, AZ
Area of Teaching Specialization: Literature, Theology
Course Level: Undergraduate
Courses Taught: ENG 111 Introduction to Literature; THEO 310 Literary Apologetics; SCRPT 230 Introduction to Scripture and Salvation History; ENG 40 Developing Writing Habits
Areas of Research Interest: Catholic and Classical Education, Classical Pedagogy, the Great Books of Western Civilization, Imaginative Literature, and Systematic Theology
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